Friday, August 30, 2013

The Heavenly Flower

The Heavenly Flower
oil pastels on paper

I made this piece of art because I want people to understand that beauty can be expressed in many ways. I made this piece thinking, "this is going to be an artwork masterpiece. I named it The Heavenly Flower because I thought bright colors and rainbows are heavenly.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

In the Savanah

In The Savannah by Michael Dennison
Watercolor and colored pencils on watercolor paper
7" x 10".
$10 for the piece + $5 shipping

This is my first piece of artwork for sale
I painted the lion because I wanted to
express fierceness and beauty.

If you would like to purchase this piece of art please leave a comment.

Saturday, October 13, 2012



Birds are pretty.
They say a little twitty.
They collect twigs.
They don't like pigs.
They feed on a little seed.

Monday, May 28, 2012


A white flower blooming from its pod.


In the jungle lots of things are happening: birds are feeding, bunnies are jumping, foxes are hunting, and flowers are growing.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Drifting down from the sky comes two pretty tail feathers.One is a Golden finch's.The other is a Blue jay's.

Monday, April 30, 2012


This is my friend Cole. I painted his face on his birthday.

The art of face painting it's like doing art and having fun at the same time!
This is my friend Ben.

Face painting fun
When you're face painting you can have loads of fun. You can paint what ever you want!

I am painting my sister Aly

painting sea fairies

When I paint my sister's face I usually paint a fairy. Last time I painted a sea fairy.

steps on how to make sea fairies: Paint light blue on their face. Then paint a seashell over them.Next paint curly cues under their eyes, right by that paint drops of water.